Fuck Jeffrey Epstein (Varieties of Necro Leftism)

I was living in a devil town/I didn’t know it was a devil town

They hate women, women from the Third World especially, and they hate people who work, and sex, and sex work, R said when I told her I was thinking of writing about the connection between the Jeffrey Epstein-obsessed, nihilist-neurotic, podcast “left” (the Joker “left” or the neo-Harambe “left,” the “left” addicted to mythical violence and myths of racial and puerile purity) and the anti-open borders “left,” and also the forward-looking MAGA “left” that proclaims that the Cold War was good for workers, the right-wing social democratic “left” that in reality functions as a sex cult for porky reactionaries who used to belong to Opus Dei or some Ivy League ultra-right secret society, the democratic socialist “left” that becomes tankie-lite when the Red Army can be seen as a Mongol menace that propped up the jobs of a few thousand mostly white autoworkers for a few decades…And they fetishize this Cold War not in spite of its horrors, but because of them…They genuinely hate its victims as losers, shit, at best little fetishistic props lined up to die in the Estadio Nacional in Santiago to some Victor Jara tune that becomes trite in their ears…

It’s been said that the leftists of r/stupidpol and Red Scare would find it genuinely therapeutic to vote for Trump, because reactionary politics in our day provide a kind of homeostasis. And that’s true. But at the same time it’s necessary to imagine the sadism, the corpses, and the necropolitical lusts that lie behind and within this homeostasis, in the same way that it’s necessary to remember that borders are ubiquitous, archipelagic, and that Epstein’s sin, besides being a mid-level Mossad bagman, was to threaten the purity of Aryan sexuality, of the Clinton-corrupted Volk.

There’s undoubtedly a connection between the Chapo bros who wrote in Harambe in 2016 and their more wizened and mature selves today who insist that the Epstein case contains the key to unlocking our political reality, or is the agalma of that reality. And not just because the Harambe and the Epstein meme cults cribbed the jouissance of the alt-right and other online Nazis: their insincere jouissance, or rather their jouissance of insincerity, which as Sartre said is the essence of fascist sensibility. There is something absolutely Harambe-esque about all this Epstein memeing.  Just as the black matriarch at the Cincinnati zoo couldn’t take care of her child back then, now the white nation can’t protect its children from Jewish predators, Illuminati predators.[1] It’s a narrative of evolutionary decay that takes us from the noble ape, the ape of pure cannibal violence, to the futurist Semite, the castrating Semite from the future that haunts the dreams of Elon Musk. Harambe’s big dick versus Epstein’s bitter phallus, or whatever. It’s no wonder these people are such secret or open admirers of the fringe celebrity Bronze Age Pervert, who at least has the merit of some middling eroticism (which is not, in contrast to his cursory detractors, a homoeroticism, but the ashen, dirty side of the left-gender accelerationists, a Gnostic sect founded on sissy porn mysticism) and a wider (though zoological and still genocidal) appreciation for humanity.

And then there’s their the fascination with child sacrifice. Of course the black kid threatened by a captive and tortured animal was never particularly worthy of respect, or even life, in the same way that the black kids of Ferguson who were murdered by the FBI never really merited the attention of these sleuthing “left” podcasters, and not just because they were black, but because they were revolutionaries (and we know, for instance, that Will Menaker’s grandfather was a particularly craven renegade and FBI snitch, and though I’m not a geneticist, I think they deserve what they get). Epstein’s victims were different. I’m not sure if it was the fact that some were white or if the titillating mirage of the Caribbean sex island mirrored some Larouchian rancor against non-patriotic, deterritorialized finance capital, if for them this was the controlled opposition thrill of a pedophilia Panama Papers. Nick Mullen even said they could fuck children all they want if they gave him free healthcare and a cultural Keynesian program for Hollywood movies. This is all speculative and sordid stuff, but these are sordid people and this speculation is at least on the side of something more than just snark and lulz…


1 And here we can say that their fetishistic support for Bernie is a cumstain on the Möbius Strip of the intrinsically anti-Semitic fear and loathing that many online “wine mom” or “cat lady” #NeverBernie Democrats feel towards Bernie, something that has to do with the primitive European animism that early Hitlerism tapped into, which to this day remains obscure to me, but is related to the idea that Jewish Marixsm (and there’s no other species of Jewishness, though there are other species of Marxism) is somehow mentally retarded in the visual field, it tricks and takes over through words that are also a sexual violation of an ordered cosmos: and the effect is so strong that whatever other imperialist conditionings these people have, they immediately side with the settler-Pentecostal-fascist base of the Bolivian coup, with the woke grandkids of Klaus Barbie, because Bernie very tepidly pronounced that it was a coup.