Street Legal

One bright spot–Trump’s tweet about his “vicious dogs and ominous weapons”–most protected man in the world and he’s scared–thinking of those gladiator movies where someone throws a spear at the Emperor–if only.

Just had a terrible thought. de Blasio said something like we don’t want / can’t have another night like this. I’m thinking you’re a mayor in charge of your police force–there was a mayor in charge of the police force that murdered Floyd, you don’t want another night like this–don’t tell us, don’t tell the media, call your fellow mayor and tell him this has got to stop.

I don’t like violence, I don’t like confrontation, just a personal preference. When it’s come to riots and such my feeling has always been that people end up damaging their own communities–then the cops come in and arrest the protesters, the politicians and media make us feel ashamed (they weren’t clean rioters–they stole a TV) and the money people take over the ruined businesses and make money on the rebuilding.

I just saw a little headline from a guy who lost his Bangladeshi restaurant–let my building burn.

Thinking about our pandemic response–these F-ing guys and their economy, workers (transit, medical, food) are dying and they’re focused on getting the economy going again, I assume they’re smart enough to know small business won’t benefit–not enough people with resources are going to go out–it will be the same–the big ones who can afford to sit, will take the spoils at a fraction of their value and we’ll thank them for saving us.

Drill baby drill? How about the original, burn baby burn. I still don’t like it, but they killed a guy and now they’re lecturing us on an appropriate / civilized response? Banks, chain stores, infrastructure.

Anyway, seems that money is all that matters to any of them–I’m a coward but maybe a sustained attack, real damage to their economy–I just read a book that had an attack on the stock exchange at the root of the story–I didn’t think much about the why of it, but hmmm.

Thinking black people, minorities, low wage workers, they’re always in lock down, always have to wear a mask (behave the way their bosses tell them, don’t scare or irritate the police, or anyone who might call the police…)–it’s always dangerous to go outside.

During #metoo (RIP) I thought while I value the freedoms and presumption of innocence we expect as men, the priority is the work to end the injustice to women that we’ve tolerated and protected and if the balance has to swing away from our absolute rights, for women to get some relief, that’s the price.

I feel like I’m decent, I don’t want things destroyed, I don’t want to pay for the crimes of a system that I’d be eager to change, but if there’s no other way to try to tear it down–I don’t want it, I don’t like it, but maybe it’s right.

Shit–they arrested 200 people in NYC who went out in the pandemic to protest another murder, they risked their safety for justice, if those protesters have to pay for crimes committed in the pursuit of justice–how come that mayor, the police chief, the other officers on the scene, the president, aren’t in jail for dereliction of duty that led to murder, for inciting violence and rioting, big time?