Honduran Refugees on the Road to Armageddon

Another caravan has left from Honduras, a country whose people have been engaged in a prolonged revolt against U.S. imperialism and the narco-oligarchical, neoliberal regime of Juan Orlando Hernández (presumably one of those “basketcase governments” the New York Times derided in its farcical endorsement of two morally bankrupt candidates for the Democratic nomination: of course the Times, which never met a right-wing Latin American coup it couldn’t cheerlead or finesse with nuance, projects its barbarism onto U.S. clients and proxies: one could also be forgiven for not knowing much about the ongoing revolutions in western hemisphere countries like Honduras, Haiti, and Chile, as the U.S. media and useful academic “left” idiots have sucked up oxygen promoting astroturfed fascisms in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia). Although vanguardism in the traditional sense is rightfully dead and buried, this new caravan of migrants can absolutely be called the vanguard, or one of the many vanguards, of the worldwide movement for climate, economic, social, land, labor, and gender  justice. It has already faced the combined attack of the “militarized” and “carceralized” forces of the Central American and Mexican governments (to speak of militarization and carceralization, however, is a cop out: though the efforts of repression and extraction have considerably worsened in the past twenty years, and the shadow of national sovereignties has diminished, there was never a prelapsarian age of U.S. border enforcement, of benign U.S. influence beyond the lines drawn to discipline and racialize a global labor force). As of this moment, in a perverse Matryushka act of the AMLO government, the Mexican National Guard is brutalizing caravan migrants on the Suchiate River border between Guatemala and Chiapas. As usual, there have been reports of disappeared, tortured, and murdered migrants. Whatever concessions AMLO has won for Mexico’s working poor and labor movements, he has gained at the expense of an abject surrender to Trump’s border regime fascism and bellicose trade realignment. His government has presided over the repression, incarceration, and murder of migrants and of dissident leftist activists. It will prove impossible and hollow to rebuild some kind of Mexican 1970s petro-socialist fantasy on the backs of chauvinism, racism, and the brutalization of not only Central Americans but of people from all over the world who are forced to make their way to the nightmare of the U.S.’ southern border.