I Will Never Be

xxxxxOld white woman in the woods—could go at a POP!
But this I know—I will never…be shot by a cop.

xxxxxPrivilege—and danger—in nature surround me,
But I know this—that I’ll never be killed by a cop.

xxxxxLightening could strike me, a great tree fell me,
But, I will absolutely never be shot by a cop.

xxxxxCopperhead could strike me, rabid bat bite me,
But I damn well know I’ll never be tazed by a cop.

xxxxxRaging rivers sweep my car away—with me,
But I will never be drowned by a cop.

xxxxxWith luck, I’ll die in my garden, gracefully,
but NO, I will never be shot by a cop.

xxxxxWhere’s blind Lady Justice in America the free
when even one black brother or sister is murdered—yes—lynched
…………………………………………………at the hands of a hate-filled cop?