Talk About “Abortion”

It is more crucial than ever to speak about “abortion rights,” not choice. The word “choice” is meaningless and always has been a running-scared retreat from the real matter of bodily sovereignty for females. Biological determinism is a social idea. Just like social Darwinism, capitalism, and religion.

If the body of any single woman on the planet can be controlled, forced into marriage, forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy, forced to sit in specified locations, can be banned from driving and education, can be forced to bathe her body, wear clothing designated to mark her gender difference, if her body can be murdered, beaten, set on fire, scalded as punishment for noncompliance with a gender assignment imposed on her for no reason other than that she is female, and if the rest of the world says this is okay or this is not my problem, then every female body on the planet is at risk for living with less freedom and less safety. I come from a time when most men would have stopped reading this statement before reaching the end. I live in a time when most of the men I know and have ever known will fight beside women for the bodily sovereignty for all females.