(What Did I Do to Be So) Black and Blue

First contributor Ty Geltmaker steered your editor to “The Life of Gad Beck”—a graphic biography of a gay Jewish hero who fought Nazis in Germany during World War II (and survived). (The image below is from the body of the work…)

Gad Beck 4
Geltmaker himself noted that he’d learned of the “Gad Beck,” which he prefers (per Italians) to call a fumetti rather than a comic, from his former colleague Maura Hametz. She passed on a link to The Nib where it appeared in January, knowing of his interest “in no-nonsense LGBT stuff with ‘just-the-facts-m’am historical context over time and place,’” as well as his background in German history. Geltmaker allowed he’s not an expert in the long tradition of graphic novels/biographies (“as someone all too constantly caught up in words, words, words”), but “Gad Beck” reminded him of what he used to tell students when he was a Critical Studies/Literature/History prof at California Institute of the Arts: “I always encouraged brilliant students whose eyes and ears click in ways my two senses do not together always do — to DRAW not WRITE. Dorian Alexander and Levi Hastings do both in ‘The Life of Gad Beck: Gay. Jewish. Nazi Fighter’.”

What follows are the opening panels of Alexander’s and Hasting’s work. Please go here for the rest of “The Life of Gad Beck.”

GAd Beck 1

GAd Beck 2

Gad Beck 3