Vaxxing: Reason Alone Can’t Fix It, But Moral Suasion & Mandates Will

They can’t stop asking, what do we have to do to get everyone vaccinated? Here is the current chart in California by county, comparing number of recent cases (blue bars) to percent vaccinated (green bars), as printed in the East Bay Times on September 25th. It’s pretty obvious that the longer the green bar, the shorter the blue bar, and vice-versa. Vaccination works.

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Surprise Medical Billing: Outrage and Betrayal (Thy Name is Schumer)

Congress can rarely ameliorate even patent outrages.  We know this.  One person’s outrage is another person’s profit, and the profiteer usually has more cash and more leverage than the outragee.  But, it looked like one medical outrage was actually about to be solved, at least partially, by this highly partisan Congress, and highly partisan administration.

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Mob Deep

Two recent entries on Trump & Russia from the author’s journal.

If Hyman Roth Could See Us Now

How to understand Putin? And Trump? Look to the movies; look to Godfather II.

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Strategy Memo

OK, Meryl Streep is a wonderful actress, a very smart and eloquent lady. But I think her Golden Globes statement, while striking and eloquent, was a strategic mistake. And here’s why – because it puts style over substance, and not everybody agrees with putting down Trump’s style.

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Warriors’ Way

Everyone was nervous, and everyone was watching. At the half I drove quickly down to get my wife a burger. There was no one on the road, just after 6 PM on a Sunday. It usually takes me 25-30 minutes round trip, but on Sunday I was back in 15 minutes. I thought, they’re up by 7. Is that really it?  Will there really be a parade?

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