unCritical Race Theory: The Delta Variant of the Mind

As the immoral philosophers Plant & Page once wrote (something close to) “you need schoolin’; baby, I’m not fooling,” America now faces an invisible threat that must be unmasked as the school propaganda year starts up again.  Our misplaced concern about Critical Race Theory is ultimately, only a red herring distraction from an even more pressing danger.

Exposure to Critical Race Theory has metastasized this social virus.  A new infection now races through our schools, universities, factories, police, lifeguards and even our valued fraternal organizations. It goes by the name unCritical Race Theory.

Perhaps you have not heard of unCRT.  Your decency bubble has provided strong protection against incursions of intellectual curiosity. To date, you’ve successfully turned your stubborn back against challenges to our accepted understandings. But these reasonable precautions will not ultimately shelter you from the climate change whirlwinds of unCRT.

We must be blind no more.  We must be dumb no more.  We must protest against the insidious phallicies of unCRT. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more extreme opinions, the lynchpins of unCRT. 

  • The etymology of the word slaves comes from Slavs.  unCRT ignores the true sense of truth found here by insisting that slavery has something to do with racism. 
  • unCRT ignores discussions around the fact that an emphasis on CRT allows us all to ignore the treatment of indigenous cultures. 
  • Adherents of unCRT point out that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are racial caricatures, but their dickering discourse fails to take in that we’re talking really good rice and damn good pancakes.  You should try them with Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup. 
  • Black face: we’ve all done it.  That’s just a way for whites to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes…or face. That’s why liberals do it.  But it is also particularly important for Halloween and heritage balls. unCRT diminishes tradition and history. 
  • unCritical thinking would have us believe that the use of the N word in Blazing Saddles was a crazed, inspired indictment of those who would throw that word around…instead of what it really is: an expression of inherent racism found in the Jewish elite controlling Hollywood. 
  • Here, in America, homeownership has traditionally been the key to building equity…and that equity then opens opportunity.  unCRT refuses to acknowledge that redlining was simply a way to maintain home values in the (neighbor)hood. 

I could go on endlessly pointing out threats posed by unCRT, but time is tightening as the awful truth becomes ever more apparent.  See…if you add the L for liberal at the end of Critical Race Theory’s abbreviation, their intentions become clear in conspiratorial daylight:  CRTL…control. Hmmm…maybe there’s something to unCRT after all.